Former Health Cabinet Secretary Cleopa Mailu recently declared his net worth to be at Sh617 Million.
Speaking to the Defence and Foreign Relations Committee, Mailu divulged that he accumulated his wealth from his salary while serving at Nairobi Hospital, prior to his Cabinet appointment.
Mailu, who was nominated to be Kenya's Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva, was ranked top on the list of the richest appointees.
The doctor defended himself during his tenure at Afya House, insisting that there was no corruption under his watch, contrary to findings of an audit that there was a misallocation of funds.
Six of President Kenyata's nine nominees, who Members of Parliament on Wednesday cleared for appointment as ambassadors and high commissioners, have a combined net worth of Sh 1.4 Billion.
Among the group, former Mining Cabinet Secretary Dan Kazungu, who is now heading to Tanzania, stated that he has a net worth of Sh 32 Million, making him the lowest in the pack.
Ms Phillis Kandie, nominee for the post of ambassador to Belgium and the European Union, has a net worth of Sh 268 Million.
Former Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Willy Bett, who is heading to India, was worth Sh125.5 Million as at December 2015.
Hassan Wario, who formerly headed the Sports and Culture docket, is worth Sh170 Million.
According to the report, the money has been accumulated mainly from employment, rentals, and farming.
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Reviewed by By News Reporter
3/02/2018 02:55:00 PM

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